Aug 22, 2019
How I Manage Travel in an Airplane
This past week, I was blessed to have gotten the opportunity to travel across the country - from California to Maine - to attend the Food...

Aug 20, 2019
On Advocating for Food Allergies
Each week on my instagram, I look for a quote that I feel connects with my food allergy journey, and I briefly describe why. My Quote of...

Aug 19, 2019
On Allergy Acceptance
Each week on my instagram, I look for a quote that I feel connects with my food allergy journey, and I briefly describe why. My Quote of...

Jul 18, 2019
If You are Scared of the Epi, Read This
The needle is small and like any shot, there is an initial awareness of the needle as it pierces the skin. But it never stung or burned.

May 30, 2019
Why You Should Know about the ADA
If you thought that the policy they posted was a bit discriminatory towards those with food allergies, you might not be wrong

Mar 26, 2019
Reflection:"Lucky" to Have Food Allergies...
As someone with food allergies, I have heard a lot of interesting takes on my situation. Some of these comments, I know people mean well,...